Wednesday, February 23, 2011


When my father was young, my grandmother used to make chickendorisgordon.  That's right, it was just one word.  And it was delicious.  My father and siblings never really knew what a chickendorisgordon was, where these chickens were from or how they were different from  regular chickens.  And then one day my grandmother's good friend, Doris Gordon, came to visit and the fog was lifted.  OK, my dad might have been off to a slow start, but he is a famous tax lawyer now (is there anyone who hasn't read his article "Till Debt do us Part?")   And Doris Gordon does have absolutely the best recipe for chicken, and here it is, thanks to my amazing grandma, who manages to make anything she touches taste good!

What you'll need:
Chicken legs+thighs
1 bottle Russian/Thousand Island Dressing
1 bottle water
1 package of onion soup/dip mix
1 bottle apricot preserves/fruit spread

Start by preheating the oven to 350 ad mix the ingredients all together.
This admittedly looks like something Alex Mac jumped into, but trust me, it is neither toxic nor inedible.
You'll notice that the ingredients aren't specific as to quantity.  This is because the recipe is fairly forgiving, so you just have to stick to a ratio that is something like: equal amount of water to dressing--so when you pour out the dressing, fill the bottle back up with water and put that in.  I used a 8 ounce bottle of dressing for 4 chicken thighs, and put in 3/4 of the package of dip mix, and about 8 ounce of preserves.  As you can see, it's almost a 1:1 ratio for all the ingredients.
Pour over chicken and put it in the oven
An hour and a half later, you will have the most tender, salty-sweet and delicious chicken legs you can imagine. The chicken will literally fall off the bone, and the marinade will somehow have cooked down to a delicious sauce to spoon over the meat.
This is a fail-proof recipe, and one that I suggest you try in the near future!


  1. You're too cute, Arielle!!! Great post!

  2. Great job sweetie. The pictures are so good we could almost taste it in Jacksonville. Love you!!

  3. Super flavor combination and super easy--who can say no to that? Besides that, the picture of that crispy chicken is calling my name-Yum. Great post, thanks for sharing.
